Monday, February 18, 2013

Parents who brag about their kids

I do it.
I try to keep it brief
but impressive, to stave off lesser stories
that may drag on too long.
I run from parents with more than two children,
or those with honor student bumper stickers
on their cars.
I decline the competition reluctantly
when a dad down the hall accosts me
with his two superachiever kids in tow,
he even raised them solo,
no mom in sight, impressive.
I wanted a job from him so I listened
attentively, I'm optimistic about it
but it was hard not to spill Harvard
from my lips or whisper two Ph.D's.
I do it
and am embarrassed about it,
my superachiever kids despise such
parental gushings.
Stop before I go too far.

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