Sunday, September 29, 2013

Killing rats

they are kind of cute, in the dark, in the forest,
far away from here, in nature, nesting in
well, wood, of course, in a pack, having babies
and eating organic veggies,
wood rat, you will come to your end here,
in this dank basement with holes that lead
to nothing, no spilled dog food, just the
vestiges of flood, pack rat, take your family
home to the woods far away, Hawaii might
be nice, or the Belgian Alps where you
can nest against each and stay warm.
they are not cute in the backdrop of my
basement, or my cabinets, or in the
crawlspace under my kitchen, the holes
will be filled, the mortar will be fixed,
the ones who venture in, or who remain,
shall pass on to their greater rewards.

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