Friday, November 15, 2013

my most unfavorite colleague

my favorite un-favorite colleague always lets me know
that I didn't help him once again, and I ask him why he calls me
all the time, I'd be happier not seeing his name show up on my caller id.
he could call someone else and ask them to not answer his questions
where he gives no useful information but somehow expects some help.
why does he call me if only to assure himself that he is not the only
one that does not know, except he has all the information.
Ah, those who do not share but who expect, those who demand
but never give, those who are gruff and prickly and wonder that
no one likes to work with them, but of course, that's what they
want, that way they never have to be a mere human like the
rest of us poor worthless, useless colleagues. 

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