Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Portia: In Memory


In the end, she laid down by the fence,
the sun warming her skin, while shading her eyes
and we waited together for the end, loving her,
her loving us, until her eyes were gently
closed, her body still and soft.
So many seasons of running in the sun
with Buddy, rolling in snow, nose buried
deep looking for hidden treats, so many
morning walks just long enough to turn around
and get home quick for breakfast, so many
late evening strolls, in the summer barking
and growling at skateboarders, snapping at
puppies who try to get too close, licking
the ones who meet her defnition of "wonderful".
Oh, Portia, you big fuzzy bundle of love,
you who spent countless hours scouring the
house for accessible Clif bars, granola, garbage
that hadn't made it outside, you who ate rawhide
with your brother for 13 years and then never
touched one again, you who decided when Buddy
was gone, it was your turn to mark the Haydel territory.
We loved you, we will miss you, run free
in doggy heaven with Buddy and all the other
dogs and cats, bunnies and birds that have
blessed this house. 

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