Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A tall white man in a train station looking confused: Imagining Cobus in Taiwan

his flute case looks tiny in  his monstrous hands,
his giant toes peer out of his sandals, he is a giant man in
a small man's world across the sea, peering at Chinese characters
on a sign, a look of complete bafflement crosses his face.
they swarm him, reaching up to touch his Buddha belly,
chattering in broken English, "I help you, you lost?"
ad his enormous hand disappears into his tiny flute case,
fetching out a small piece of paper covered in Chinese characters.
they read this and he is levitated towards a train platform,
the doors swinging open to receive him and and his collective bundle of
flute case and suitcase, this giant man and many small men disappear into the
car, the doors slide closed with a gentle swoosh
as the train pulls away from the station. 

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