Friday, May 16, 2014

Finding Peace: A tribute to Jeff Lowe

in tribute to Jeff Lowe

I was reading about the great mountaineer, Jeff Lowe,
a man of legend and myth, who found himself in snow caves
facing death, ice and cold, uncertainty and doubt.
in a wheelchair, he sings inside since his lips no longer work
and he lives each day as if his last, as it might be, with love
and peace,
and me, I struggle against the embrace of life's smallest challenges as
I walk effortlessly up a beautiful hillside alongside my mate
or my dog or my friend, I am no Jeff Lowe in this life,
perhaps this is his 1000th life and I am in my 3rd, how else
to understand his depth and my own shallowness.

Legendary climber, Jeff Lowe, slowly dying of ALS

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