Tuesday, July 8, 2014


 No matter the path, we are transitioning seamlessly
into middle age, whether we drive a 1992 Geo Prizm
or a 2014 Porsche, whether we recognize the faces in
People magazine, or hate to be called sir or madam.
Some of us may still secretly try on our daughter's skin tight jeans
when she is out with her friends, or loll around slightly 
stained grey sweatpants, we are all heading there even 
if we detour to the gym to train for an Ironman, or just
stop at the grocery store to pick up a carton of milk.
Some of us angst, others gain weight, some call their kids,
others work too much, others retire early and regret having
that much more time to figure out their lives, but we all
stumble along somehow into this abyss called midlife,
enjoy it while it lasts because before we know it, we'll
be called elderly and then what will we have to figure out.

Special thanks to Scratchy for directing me to this link:

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