Wednesday, May 30, 2018

All I need

my feet to travel the distance,
socks and sandals to protect them.
a blouse to cover my torso
and a sweater to cover my blouse
when the wind blows or the temperature drops.
a swimsuit, in case, and a scarf or two,
because we may want to look fancy.
a couple of summer dresses, in case,
and some pajamas for the certainty of sleep.
my feet, a few clothes,
that's all I need to travel the world.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

In trouble with the Beefeater at London Tower

he hates when people say how cute he is in his costume,
this stern, yet rotund, smiling, yet commanding figure
in his military uniform in his role as one of Yeoman Warders,
a Sovereign Guard, a Beefeater, for those who drink gin.
Many times medalled, Afghanistan, Iraq, 
not one to mess with, and I did, leaning in a bit
too close, inside the allowable circle
knowing he could have knocked my head off,
all for a goofy photo for my love. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Vacation is exhausting

vacation is exhausting
cycling along on an electric bike,
stopping for a lunch of confit de canard,
followed by creme brulee, un élonge, or 
perhaps allonge, but that means dead.
I'm not dead, just tired, relaxed, 
the bikes are behind me 
taking their rest.

Monday, May 21, 2018

our house seems so small

I was perfectly happy until I laid eyes on the chateau
in distance, up on the hill, they looked down
onto their fields of wheat and pasture.
clouds drifted by overhead, a cool shadow
occasionally protected the farmers from the heat
of the sun.
my life, all of a sudden, seemed so constrained
in that tiny little house where a small dog seems
to take up all the space and breathes all the fresh air.
there is limitless fresh air here, sun, wind, grapes 
ripening in the sun, the people up there are holding
large glasses of sumptuous red wine and eating
freshly baked baguettes and pungent cheeses.
my life seems so small, so constrained, working in 
small boxy office buildings looking at computer screens.
I'm sure I was meant to be here, dressed in fantastic dresses
and elegant shoes, drinking wine and eating pungent cheeses,
what did I do wrong to live with dog who breathes all the
fresh air and where I have to shop for my own food.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

once and for all

equal pay for equal work,
not just for women and men,
but gay and straight,
black and white and brown,
for native Americans and Maori
for the straight white man
who set the scales.
So says the Communist Party 
in the village of Cyrano de Bergerac,
this poster hovers over hoardes of tourists
speaking all languages, we are all one,

Saturday, May 19, 2018

le chef

we wandered into a Michelin restaurant
and dined like a king and queen at the table of 
le grand chef, Stéphane Cevin, the large fellow
behind the glass, the one on page 42 of the cookbook
celebrating the grand chefs of Perigord.
He smiles alot and expertly handles a myriad of 
saucepans and platters.
Anyone who claims a large kitchen is needed to cook
a grand meal should visit this grand homme de cuisine.
Il vous montera comme cuire dans une petite cuisine!

les kilometres de vignobles

en route
des kilomètres de vignobles
tout droit, le ciel bleu, du soleil
c'est ce qui nous accueille ici en France, 
a la fin de notre journée de vélo, nous
passerons a un restaurant pour boire le 
jus de ces vignobles avec plaisir. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

arms and feet

she was looking at me as my camera followed her,
capturing her right arm and her feet in staccato motion
above the mirror lake in front of the Bourse
the Borse of Bordeaux, where one can look down and 
see the clouds drifting by, or the reflection of the
stately edifice across the way, or the staccato of
moving arms and legs.
she looked at me with concern, perhaps worried
the segments of her body would never coalesce
back into a whole, this girl need have to worries,
the clouds, the lake, and I would make sure
she would run, whole, into her mother's arms.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Vive la France

oui, c'est une longue journée d'y aller, mais nous avons bien déjeuné,
yes, it was a long day, but after a bottle of wine, a dinner of 
French onion soup, lamb and the most divine tarte de pomme,
it all faded away.
and when we toured the Catacombs 
(thank you, Stephen, for buying tickets ahead of time),
nous sommes rappelés que le vie est courte, qu'elle passe vite.
We must enjoy every day
Oui, nous devrions apprécier chaque jour.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


what could I offer of myself
that would garner a donation, what do I have
that is worth something of interest
oh yes, I know about space and rockets, of space debris
and missions to Europa,
I know about flowers and have many to share,
I can wield an artist's pen and make art.
I can offer of myself and money will flow
towards a worthwhile cause, one that creates
community and a sharing of love.
I can share my love.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Double Cosines

The urgency of knowing 
whether the method used a single cosine
or double cosines,
it would make all the difference
and the words could not bridge the gap.
only pictures, a smile, a gesture can bridge
the gap across the divide of misunderstanding
the same one we visited two years ago,
yes, draw it on the white board, show me a picture
and I'll understand.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Birthday Boy

now we can take the flat champagne out of the frig,
refizz it and add the orange juice that I bought 
a couple months ago when Stephen was sick,
Mimosas a Sunday morning after our Saturday night
dinner with friends, where we all were ready for bed
at 9.
That's what 49 looks like.
Oh,and that's what 60 looks like on top of that.
A sign of wisdom, a flexibility and resilience
to handle such vagaries of aging,
fizz makers!