Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Strikes, riots, violence in Paris

Walking back from dinner with Isabelle, I chatted with the police about when I should leave for the airport with anticipated riots, strikes and violence predicted for the morrow.  By 9 am latest!  Most of the metro will be shut down.  7400 police will be on duty.  Gilets Jaunes, Black Blocs (basically anarchists who just like to destroy everything) and general union protests will all convene today.  I had planned to visit the Musee du Moyen Age this morning, but instead have to leave Paris very early, which I did at 8 am.  Good-bye, Paris!

As of this writing 1000 - 2000 black blocs are expected. So, I am waiting here at the airport, many hours before I can even check my bag for Denver.

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