Saturday, February 1, 2020

An afternoon in Cap Skirring

It was hot.  Very hot.  JJ, Saliou and I headed over to get money, food, lunch, sandals, for Saliou to find one of his clients and whatever else may have suited our fancy.  It was hot, very hot, but very dry.  JJ and I learned about Chewing Sticks, the African toothbrush.  It's actually quite a good idea and explains why Africans have such white teeth.  You chew the end until the end is fibrous and  use that to brush your teeth, and stimulate the gums.  JJ had noticed that many people had sticks in their mouths, but they were clearly not cigarettes.  I bought four of these for 100 cfa.

JJ was wearing these impossibly heavy hiking boot and we searched for sandals to fit his size 13 feet.  The initial price was 13.000 cfa with a counter offer from Saliou of 2.000 cfa.  I had to keep from laughing. Saliou puts his offer out there, the vendor sputters in disbelief, Saliou has a take it or leave it demeanor and remains silent, studies his phone and looks around.  They settle on 3.000 cfa and shake hands.  The vendor offers tea and we all settle in for a bit under the shade.

Lunch.  JJ has a beer.  I admit to sneaking a little, just like at home.  It's been super  fun to hang out with him.  We ate in the same restaurant in Cap Skirring three days in a row.  A nice plate of rice with fish, 1000 cfa.  It's very hot.  

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