Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Sacred Spring

JJ and I had no idea what a puit was.  Saliou told me I needed to bring a scarf to cover my head.  We were going to bathe there.  It was past Cap Skirring and for 5000 cfa, the driver would take us there, wait for us and take us back.  We walked through savannah like forest,  blonde grasses with an occasional baobob arriving at an enclosed area around what appeared to be a sinkhole or shaft filled with dark/algae water.  This was the puit discovered by a sacred man 300 years ago.  Many people go there, including tourists.  Saliou and our driver both drank the water (with no ill effect!) but JJ and I declined. I had covered my head.  I wasn't sure whether we were going into the spring (that's what it is, in fact), but the drive collected four buckets of water, as well as filling several litre bottles to bring home
We each took a bucket and went to simple shower stalls made of cement to bathe ourselves.  Yay, I could remove my clothing!  It was very refreshing, indeed, and we were instructed to not wash for 24 hours to get the full effect.
I chatted with three Senegalese in front of a simple mosque while Saliou went in to pray and we returned to Cap Skirring for lunch.

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