Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Packing up

It's time to leave.
notebooks emptied into the recycle bin
quartz slides coated, or not, with lunar dust
carefully placed into Sam's box, and books on 
Matlab programming and atomic oxygen 
into Jordan's.  
A box of long expired ionic liquids and dead 
circuit boards to Mike
I loaded my old microscope into the car,
the one I rescued from the trash eons ago.
I found artifacts of experiments I'd conducted over
the years, marveling at my work as if it wasn't
done by me, it was another era before Mira
disrupted my days and shattered my focus.
and before the pandemic ended our
discussions in the break galley.
It just seems to be time to move on,
with excitement, relief, and a bit of sadness.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

My replacement when I retire

she put my badge around her neck, 
looking serious, the slide rule was back
in its plastic sleeve, and the calculator
was stored on the windowsill for use
a bit later, no doubt.
She is ready, this girl, tools in hand,
bowls for measuring, a book on 
diversity in the workplace.
And I am ready to pass on my badge
to an able protegee.  
Yes, she might need a few years 
of training, but there is no doubt in my 
mind that she has what it takes. 

tag: Mira 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Memorial to the ten who were lost

They were young and old, tall and short,
all deserved to live, finally passing away quietly
in their beds at a ripe old age
They have died, their lives taken with such violence
now we see them in a peaceful stream bed
standing tall and with grace,
no one can take away their memory.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Practice Retirement, Day 1

 I stayed up late last night finishing a report.
Today, I slept in late, walked the dog, belatedly
cut back the brown stems in the garden, took
care of the baby, bought fabric to make a new cover
for the dog bed, cooked, took a nap, had dinner,
watched my favorite show, thanked Karen for donating
$1000 to Chef Academy Senegal (I was so moved!),
and now, writing a poem of sorts, recognizing that 
I have kept my New Years' Resolution, and wondering
what I will tomorrow on Saturday.
I'll find out tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The daughter of my daughter

Long ago
she reached into a cabinet to pull out
pots and pans, metal ones that clanged onto
the linoleum floor, the same floor 30 years later,
black and white tiles, chipped and stained.
today, the child of the "she" from long ago
reaches into a drawer to pull out plastic
gelato and Rubbermaid storage
containers, throwing them to the ground,
then dropping to her knees and butt to
determine how to screw the tops back
onto the bottoms. 
she did not succeed today but she 

tag: Mira

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Flying high

it was a cloudy, gloomy day
until I looked up and saw them.
Flying high overhead, circling like
eagles on the updraft, then 
spinning down like hawks 
the sail spins and slows,
she glides in for a landing
stepping forward onto the 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

seeking peace

the clouds roll across the sky
grasses bend gracefully in the wind
snow dusted mountains in the distance
my footsteps press into soft gravel
the wind is cold and I am glad I have
my mask, in spite of the reason
there are so many who are no longer
with us
and now, ten more who have unwillingly
been wrenched from their family and friends.
I mourn them, their families, 
I think only of them today.

Friday, March 19, 2021

IndieGoGo fundraiser for Chef Academy Senegal

how could anyone not want to help them,
these beautiful young women, bursting with energy,
facing a lifetime of hand laundry and child rearing.
I jump to help them and can only imagine my friends
jumping, too, but 
we are seem to be stuck in our own little worlds
and few will click the button 
to change a woman's life half way
around the world.

You can donate at this link.

Why Senegal? I originally visited Senegal to find Ameth, a boy I had supported for 10 years through a charitable Non-Government Organization (NGO).  After he aged out of the program and communication through the NGO was terminated, I became somewhat obsessed with finding him. I started cold contacting hundreds of strangers on FaceBook in Senegal who might help me, with nothing more than an outdated picture and his all-too common name. Miraculously, we were united for the first time in a dusty courtyard at his school, in a small city about 150 miles from Dakar.

We were delighted to see each other, yet ...he seemed defeated by life. After a delicious lunch with the whole family and assorted neighbors, I got to thinking about how to help him and his family. With modest support from me, Ameth today is unrecognizable from the boy I met that day.  Where once he was sullen and defeated, basically illiterate, he is now teaching me his native language, Wolof, speaks French fluently and is learning Italian in Milan while visiting his father. I also provided modest funds to his mother to start her own small business. In Dakar, Casamance, St. Louis, I met a cross-section of Senegalese people, from tailors to artists, mothers, young people looking for work. I was impressed by their dignity, in spite of their hardships.

People often muse that they don’t know how to contribute positively to the big issues of today – poverty, inequality, racism, etc. It takes less than you think, from my experience. And giving support is so powerful. I can assure you that your donation will directly aid young Senegalese women. I appreciate all that you can give.

I’m hoping to go back to Senegal in January 2022 to look at land, meet local leaders to share thoughts about the project.  I’m looking forward to it! And my Ameth...I don’t know whether he will be back in Senegal, so maybe I will have to hop up to Milan!

There is a lot of information about the project when you select DONATE. You can also visit our website  Chef Academy Senegal Website.   If you don’t want to use the electronic option, you can also send a check to Chef Academy Senegal or Venmo me and I’ll send it on.  Chef Academy Senegal, 17605 E. 110th Way, Commerce City, CO  80022.  My Venmo handle is @Genevieve-Devaud.

Many thanks in advance!  

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Look and you shall see

out walking the dog
beauty jumped out at me
the shimmer of ice 
I wish I had been there to watch
the lightning speed at which the ice
raced across the liquid, so cold
that once those small crystals
of frozen water started, one 
could hardly blink without
missing yet another amazing
natural show.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

My dear friend, Djiby Seye

he towers over me
and everyone calls to him in the street
Royal Djiby Seye
the man who makes everyone laugh
even me who speaks no Wolof, just 
watching his gangly legs swing over 
anyone the size of a mere mortal.
he is my friend, Djiby Seye,
on es ensemble.  

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

An igloo in the neighborhood

I-gloos are made of ice and snow
G-athered from the surrounding field
L-ovingly packed into a shelter with an
O-val door
O-open for business..come on inside and rest.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Decisions decisions

paralyzed by too many choices
a known phenomenon
like the cereal aisle.
he wrote the options for the day,
all that I wanted to do and compared
with the number of hours to do them
something had to go, I admitted
sadly, and the line item "piddle around"
was a non-negotiable - everyone needs
that kind of time, unaccounted for.
no gardening and the grey hairs will
show for another day.
It's ok, I don't see anyone

Friday, March 12, 2021

we are one

we are one.
doing the dishes
folding laundry
she watches what I do
holding her wooden spoon
as if a conductor's baton.
and when our work is done
she climbs over me and on me
as if my body is her body
we are one.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Mothering is a trash compactor

A condensed square with six sides and no door
the echo of children reverberating within
I remember this, pacing between walls, ceiling and floor
emptying grocery bags and cooking food,
tucking in children, singing songs and telling stories,
maybe to myself, that one day I would be 
able to take a shower alone and read a book,
quietly, with no interruption.
And then one day, they had both left and the walls
fell away and blue sky filtered in, a breeze blew
across my cheeks and I was free. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Look Skyward

you can hardly see the specks 
in the clouds, but they are there,
the skydivers, their colorful kites
winding up and down the thermals,
like the backbone of a DNA molecule,
each person close to the other,
never colliding.  
I stopped to look, squinting my eyes,
distracted by the pattern in the clouds,
the slot of blue above the hilltops,
the brown grasses of winter on the
gentle slopes.
those skydivers up there, do they see 
the same beauty or are their eyes full
of tears from the wind rushing 
across their faces

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

We do it all for hu-MAN-ity

women do it all, and then some,
unpaid, of course, it's a pleasure,
thank you for the opportunity to 
wipe the poop from their bottoms
after suckling them, after which dinner
needs to be done, the shopping, too.
get paid, no way, we are women after all
born and bred to serve hu-MAN-ity
without complaint, we are so well trained.
we feed and clothe, we wash and dry
and at the end of the day, we sooth
his frayed and needy soul, we do it all,
we do it all, unpaid and happy
Valium bottles at our sides,
we help hu-MAN-ity thrive. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Moderna, Boulder Community Hospital, thank you

The text arrived at 10 a.m. and the shot
entered my arm at 3 p.m. after a 5 minute wait,
as scheduled, headed home after another 
15 minute wait to for any corporeal reaction.
All this
a mere three days after I was eligible.
Next shot, 2:45 p.m. in four weeks.
Not bad for a broken government.

Friday, March 5, 2021

My little gardener

I know that one day we will dig in the dirt
planting tiny seeds in crooked furrows
spinach and lettuce in spring
beans and squash in early summer.
her tiny fingers will get bigger
and more skilled
today she digs her tiny fingernails
into the warm, damp earth
raking aside dead leaves and grasses
reaching for pine cones
and one day, we will harvest together
my  hands will be heavily veined
but I will still hold hers in mine.

tag: Mira

Thursday, March 4, 2021

I needed that

I needed that stiff drink on the deck
the sun slowly sinking west
the chill in the wind
the sooth of in-person conversation
seeing my brother again.
damn the restless night's sleep
after a drunken 3 hour unconscious 
rest, where I wake up in the same position,
fully clothed, some drool on my pillowcase.
I needed that.
It was great.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Be like a baby: never stop exploring

try something new, be someone new
that's what the podcast told me to do
meet new people, go new places
don't tell them who you used to be
what you used to do
it's a new day, new adventures, new challenges.
find a new cup, a new top, turn it over,
throw it across the carpet, try again
advice of the day:  be like a baby
never stop exploring

tag: mira

Monday, March 1, 2021

The house on the Hill

yes, it's huge.
and it belongs to my son and his wife, from the room
cantilevered towards the west, one can
gaze in awe at the mountains, so close, and
even walk two blocks to a path where one can lose
oneself amongst the pine trees and grasses.
I will go there to escape the din of downtown
where a man was breaking into houses
armed with a machete, a crazy person,
we have them down here.
a mere 3 miles distance, one can look towards
the mountains, soak in the hot tub on the back deck.
this is not my life, but I'll bring my swimming 
suit and soak my tired bones.