Friday, May 28, 2021


she sits and listens
carefully, even,
only glancing momentarily
up to look at me, who is 
not raptly listening.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

the perfect dictionary

it weighs at least a ton, 
loaded down with words like récapitulatif,
words I don't even know in English,
or certainly never use.
I could hear his laughter from the kitchen.
I love it, I wanted it, justifying
that it would counterweigh Mira when
she decided to walk....someday.
In lieu of scanning the on-line dictionary,
I have this beautiful book to protect
and love, to study and admire,
it's the real deal. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Tea for 2: Part II

two cups on saucers.
no fill up until the cup is on the saucer,
straight, facing up, level.
you can do it, Mira.
I'll fill mine, then I'll fill yours
about a quarter inch in case all the
water ends up on the floor
"two hands", you'll have to put
the dog leash on the ground, and 
take the spoon from your mouth.
now drink, my sweet
the cool feel of your wet
onesie on your protruding,
rather, chubby, tummy.
my sweet.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

I need to read that again

I don't particularly believe that STAMET
will erode from atomic oxygen bombardment
but I'm not 100% sure.
in these piles of papers are answers,
or partial ones to that question, and so many
I put 10 papers in a pile to read,
knowing that it's unlikely to happen
after washing dishes and making granola
after a day of work and a baby Mira
who cried when I wanted to put her in
the grass - what she usually loves but I
had no blanket this time
no time to rest on the grass
no time to read about STAMET
and atomic oxygen.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Push the button

she'll learn
to push the button, to see the screen
light up.
she already called my friend back
after we had hung up
random buttons do unexpected things, 
soon she will point at the people she
knows and call them, before she
has even learned to talk.
forget the scientifically developed
toys for toddlers,
electronics is where it's at

Thursday, May 20, 2021

so you want to learn how to French braid

so you want to learn how to French braid
because you never learned how
so did your mother do it for you
how is it that you don't know how, when
all you need is to part your hair into three,
weaving each section into the others, from 
the crown of your head, down the back, finally
braiding the rest, normally, you know, down to
the end.
if you want to learn how to French braid,
put your hands on the crown of your head,
gently part your hair and let the tresses
fall into place, they will, I'm sure. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

time for tea

time for tea
for two, one to drink,
one to pour.
she drinks, I pour
she pours out, water
streaming across the floor
how fun is tea for two

Monday, May 17, 2021

another point of view

twice  a week I get unstuck
my  head on the ground, legs extended into the sky
upside down gravity, my body moving in space
cognition and reflection take a second seat
no backseat driving either.
I'm not very good at this move, slightly cheating
as I rest my knee on my elbow, but I'm in the game.
that's what counts, I'm in the game, I'm working it
I'm trying to see the world from all directions.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

I've had a blast

When they take me away to the promised land,
I can say,
I've had a blast
immemorialized on this stone beside a river
this Bryan surely did
the stone says so

Thursday, May 13, 2021


they can eat and drink to their stomach's content,
this end of Ramadan 2021, the festival of korite.
a day to dress in their finest, like this 
young man, Badou, my son,
dearest Senegalese son.
I see in their faces a softness,
born of their circumstance, their
faith, is it, in this world that 
is so unjust. leaving them to
struggle in dust and polluted air,
yet look at him!
so handsome in his new clothes
my son, my beloved son.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Capoeira friends

Maraveilla, Mateo, Formiga, Curiosa and Balanco
we are all friends, singing and playing, laughing,
(except me)
and handstanding
(except me)
whirling, spinning, fast kicks
(except me)
I am the older one, the one who 
has never done a cartwheel or a handstand
but I am here, with my friends and we 
play and sing and laugh together.
I am here,
with them.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

a rose by any other name

i have been her daughter-in-law for many years
but French was never her forte, Devaud being
difficult to remember how to spell, 
and besides, to her, my name does not end in a "d"
perhaps another letter, a "t" perhaps, but no,
that does not seem right either, perhaps an extra
"l" will soften the sound at the end of that 
very curious French-sounding last name. 
In her day, so much easier when a woman took her
husband's name, she knows, after all, how to spell
Haydel, but I appreciate the effort, even so.

Monday, May 10, 2021

I think you're great

I think you're great 
and I'm just a napkin,
but on the other hand, I think your sister
would agree, and she's someone special
with her doctorate in Physics from Harvard.
In fact, I think your wife would maybe 
support such an idea, if you can get her 
I'm just a napkin and I don't get out much
but I have seen that many people come 
to your house and rave about your food
and seem to like you very much.
I am just a napkin but I do think
you're great, and I think other 
people, and napkins, think so, too.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

a dangling foot

it's time.
to walk.
one foot on the ground
the other dangling uncertainly.
not sure where it will land
but Opa will hold her as 
the second foot delicately lands
some awkward distance from the 
she will shift her weight, now
suspended in space, uncertain

tag:  Mira

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

the glow of the TV

I noticed that my feet glow
while I watch TV, it's been a hard day.
The ridges of the weave stand out
in the harsh light, the logo of the brand
that I could not even tell you
they all sound the same.
my jeans are rolled up, exposing the 
soft flesh of my ankles bulging out
from the elastic cuff
some women have slender ankles
I do not
this is a snapshot in time, some words that
I will likely  never put together again,
nor will I ever read them, it's another
poem, a passing observation on a chilly
evening after a long day.
another day gone by
until one day there
are none left.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Thank goodness for dishwashers

after the guests all wandered off
slightly tipsy, bellies full,
we wandered into our kitchen,
slightly tipsy, bellies full.
so very few minutes later, the dishwasher
whirred and spun and in the morning,
clean dishes, sparkling clean, 
small wells of water on top
of overturned glasses.

Monday, May 3, 2021

impossibly steep

I would fall fast,
I have, in fact, plummeting down
these impossibly steep stairs late at night,
in desperation
back then, there were no graduation pictures.
Life felt desperate.
not so much,
I would rather see the graduation pictures
as I slowly descend the stairs, or even slowly
ascending the stairs, a step behind Mira,
ready to catch her in case she loses balance
she is not walking yet, but will soon 
race up, and down, these stairs.
I don't feel desperate 
I don't need to find a solution
at the bottom of the stairs
at the end of an impossibly fast