Monday, July 19, 2021

Staying busy

we talked, Sam and me
about adsorption and desorption
not agreeing that adsorption is thermally activated
I sent him off to check on that.
we talked, Jordan and me
about the atomic oxygen environment
where Kapton and other plastics are eaten away
until nothing remains.
we talked, Shelly and me,
about a project to detect the vast acreage
of plastic floating on the oceans and how
to train the young engineers to do science.
and then, I slept and I held Mira in my arms,
and I played capoeira and I spoke French with
the nanas du coin, unable to understand one of 
them who speaks too fast.
Tired now, I write this and will fall headfirst
into bed.
A busy day. a good day. 

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