Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Life continues, but with Owen always at my side

some believe, or seem to believe,
they seem to say, or imply, that you get over it.
stay busy, they say, it helps to get over it -
I do not plan to get over it, Owen will always -
be beside me as I work and play, he is inside me.
I don't want to get over Owen, to forget his perfect feet,
the look on his face as I sang to him, his huge hands.
what does getting over it mean, anyway, as if you -
could wrench love from your heart and put it aside.
I go to this place, Owen's Pond, and I play his music-
and I lay beautiful things on the ground, cover them-
with fallen leaves, pinecones and rocks.
I'm not getting over this, why would I get over-
all the love I have for my-
precious little boy?

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