Saturday, May 28, 2022

Paris, Versailles and the train to St. Malo


We arrived in Paris Thursday, May 26, and took a taxi to 39 Rue de Jouffroy, the home of Raymond and Babette (Marie-Paul) Boissier. They are my relatives!!!  I'm so happy!  What a lovely apartment, which reminds me very much of my grandmother's.  It was fun to see a photo of my mother on the bookcase.  Rue Jouffroy is in the 17th arrondissment and is very diverse.  I notice such things now.  We spent time in the nearby park.  Many grandmothers and children; men playing some sort of game with balls on sandy terrains.  

Stephen was sick this morning, but we went off to Versailles anyway.  We had a bit of hiccup because he had to eat and that meant that we left the Chateau, and had to get back in even though only one entrance is allowed.  By the time we saw the Chateau (I loved the Queen's bedroom, the official decision making room, and the Hall of Mirrors the best - although the King's bedroom was pretty cool, too. The place is immense and we did not even have time to tour the Gardens.  I might need to go back!

The hall of mirrors divides the Queen's quarters and the King's.  The Queen had lovely taste.  ; )

Just entering St. Malo after an uneventful train ride from Paris.  It's packed with tourists in the daytime, then very quiet at night.  

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