Tuesday, May 31, 2022

War and Rhum

After the War, experiments were done to determine if the gun turrets could be penetrated.  The result was "not really".  and the signatures of the hypervelocity impacts were super cool.  There was even a bomb embedded in the metal.  It was sobering indeed to see all the forts and bunkers.  No wonder the Allied Troops had to bomb continuously for the Germans to surrender.

This rum was amazing...and drenching the rum-raisin ice cream in it was divine.  I had mussels with plenty of white wine sauce and frites.  A carafe of red wine. Stephen had sea bass on a bed of seaweed (edible?  he ate it).  and roasted fennel (so yummy).  It was a lovely evening and we laughed like children as we walked along the walls of the chateau at 10:30 p.m. with the night just starting to fall.

This picture was taken at 10 p.m.  We noted that the people on the lower floors would not be able to see the sea, only the thick protective wall in front of them.


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