Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Le Mans - Le Cathedrale, la ville, les abeilles....


I am not religious but the sheer magnificence of the space is moving.  I lit a candle as a prayer to my Senegalese friends who are trying to better their lives.  The organ was immense and the sound resonated in the space, filling the soul with its majesty.

On the outside of the Roman walls was a beautiful garden, with the most amazing black bees - so large that I had never seen before.  Lots of bumblebees, too.  There was one plant in particular , that I recognized from Colorado.  

I was looking to enter the church, but it was not the correct door.  Yet, the size of the door gives an idea of the scale of the cathedrale.

These are the bees and the plant.  I have never seen such huge bees!

One tired Opa.  

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