Monday, June 6, 2022

Angeline Hotel, quel bel hotel!

A Parisian couple converted this Maison des Pretres to a hotel. We had dinner with them, and breakfast.  Dinner out in the garden, under a large umbrella as an occasional spurt of raindrops gently serenaded us.

There were TWO sitting rooms, this one is where we had breakfast.  

This is the church next door that was "de-sanctified".  It is no longer open.  

The fields are relatively small and have different appears that crop rotation is common here, and one of the crops is poppies. We also saw wheat, corn and other crops.

A vending machine that sells ...baguettes!!  1Euro20 and good, too!  We were hungry after our lunch of Pringles, beer and two waffle cookies at the Troglotte farm.  Not sure of the spelling on that, but it was cool. A whole underground farm!  

I love these small towns that offer interesting items for sale.  

and who would have thought that a child could be trained to walk in similar manner that horses were used to drive machinery to grind flour.  ; )

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