Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Saumur, a grand chateau, triglodytes, en route to Chinon


This is the palace of Saumur. It's enormous, spectacular, unreal.  It's a steep, but short walk, up from our hotel.  The hotel was lovely (except for the courtyard which had a big party of 12 the first night).  We had a delicious breakfast the second day before leaving.  A nice present from Stephanie.  

The path has been quite variable:  forest, small towns, river, ....

This was inside the Saumur palace.  An enormous cavern with a hole at the top.

I can't even keep track of all the churches......

Along one of the routes between Saumur and Chinon.

Saumur Palace

Inside the "cave" of a restaurant en route to Chinon.  15C all the time.  Hundreds of bottles of wine.  He and his wife completely restored this trigolyte space.

This was in a square at Saumur.

What we ate in Saumur:  
We had ice cream when we first got there... I had vanilla bourbon.
For dinner, we ate in the large square

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