Thursday, August 31, 2023

Fearful to Bossy

she wanted to be carried,
looking from high up on my shoulder, to
make sure the dog wasn't there, that scary dog.
the black one with a grey nose, Bella, 
the one that she didn't even notice a couple 
years ago.
and then
and then
treats thrown onto the couch
and then
and then,  more, and a laugh
and then, she's bossing the poor dog around
and she looks at us helplessly, poor Bella,
to ask what she did wrong.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Of course, I'll go back

I'll go back to get myself this T-shirt,
a few others, printed in a small dusty office
in Oakam, Dakar, with a machine purchased
with ten dollar bills that spew from my 
computer monitor several times per hour.
I'll go back to Dakar to get this T-shirt,
and others, to smell the fish in the market,
to swim in the sea and drink ateya 
with dark men, only their teeth gleaming
at dusk, we laughed, and we will laugh again.
Yes, I'll go back to get myself this T-shirt
and a new dress; I'll jump on the back of a
motorcycle and dart between cars, my eyes
closed and praying
I'll go back and get myself this T-shirt, to eat
che bu jeun in small restaurants and I'll wonder
how I could think that I would never go back.
Of course, I'll go back. 

Circle of Fifths

somewhat distracted by his bow tie
I admit to understanding his clipped delivery
the C to the G to the D and around and round
the sequence of sharps and flats, all in following 
the fifths, not the ones we know from the street, 
nor the grade where we girls rolled up our 
waistbands, but the count up the scale, 
metered and steady, with one or two or three...
or even five flats or sharps, or 
his bow tie seemed to wink at me, it was pink today
and pink is happy. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Chocolate heals all

Make that croissant a chocolate one,
not plain.
let the chocolate coat our tongues, let
the flakes fall across our laps and onto the patio
and then, let's lick our fingers covered in chocolate,
wipe chocolate from our faces
and feel all the sweetness
fill our hearts.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

How to break my heart

you opened the door
our eyes met and you turned away
"she's shy right now" her mother said
what happened to that the one
who filled every crack in my fragmented
soul, that she would turn away
tomorrow is another day
another night of sleep
our eyes will meet and maybe
you will run to me and throw
yourself into my arms, and 
maybe not.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Give a man a boat and let him eat fish

above them
a little boy travels the seas
of Senegal,
under clear skies
he sees them.
I'm sure.
the men, the fish, the laughter
and smiles, happiness
to blanket the grief that 
hovers over me.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Let them bee

I wondered how 
a bee can carry so much pollen on her legs
and the sun passed over me in the sky
when another bee arrived
and I wondered how two bees
could be so different
so I watched the little one gather
pollen on his legs, a him because of his
long antenna (I just read that)
and as the sun disappeared behind the
hills, I watched a parade of bees on this flower
and that, the other one, the purple one,
and a Spinx Moth arrived to suck nectar
from the phlox
and I wondered at nature
how beautiful she is.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Oh how quickly I forget


oh how quickly I forgot about the
The Agreement.  To write every day,
about the bottle of whiskey on the breakfast table,
the red glow of the hummingbird feeder and
the chirping of the chickadees thrashing in the bushes.
It will be hot today, the laundry will be too dry
to take down, the flowers will wilt and the bees
will fly that much slower from one precious flower
to the next.

Perhaps the grasshopper on my blouse
disturbed the winds of memory.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

At the cash register at Sprouts, Boulder, CO

 She carefully placed her small number of 
grocery items on the conveyer belt
and waited, an older woman, heavyset
with thick ankles and salt and pepper hair
A young Asian cashier greeted her, as they all do
but she looked away without changing expression.
Did she want a bag?  he asked.
She stared back, with a blank, but unfriendly gaze
I admit that I started to smile a bit inside
at this total lack of communication.
He rang up the groceries
and as I would have predicted, she slowly
removed her worn wallet from her purse 
and counted out the cash, carefully adding 
a penny so as to make the least amount of change.
And, of course, this confused the young man
- we don't do that anymore
He slowly started placing the groceries in a
double bag, when she looked up and said
taking each of her small number of items back
into her cart and shuffled away.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Revisit: How to be Happy

Run in grass
Smell worm
Paw the grass
Gently, so as not to damage the worm,
pull it out on to the grass
and roll, roll, roll
wiggling that scent onto head
feet spiraling in joyful circles
in the sky

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The way I see it

the way I see it,
this table convinced me to divorce him
the blue and pink squares never met after all
these glasses looked at the flowers in a new way
baking alone in the sun looking for home
even without them, my dreams remind me
that I'm not ready yet, back then it was time
rose colored glasses distorted my vision
cataracts may cloud it
I may not see
the finch and chickadee chirp in the mock orange
every morning, 
but I hear them.