Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Of course, I'll go back

I'll go back to get myself this T-shirt,
a few others, printed in a small dusty office
in Oakam, Dakar, with a machine purchased
with ten dollar bills that spew from my 
computer monitor several times per hour.
I'll go back to Dakar to get this T-shirt,
and others, to smell the fish in the market,
to swim in the sea and drink ateya 
with dark men, only their teeth gleaming
at dusk, we laughed, and we will laugh again.
Yes, I'll go back to get myself this T-shirt
and a new dress; I'll jump on the back of a
motorcycle and dart between cars, my eyes
closed and praying
I'll go back and get myself this T-shirt, to eat
che bu jeun in small restaurants and I'll wonder
how I could think that I would never go back.
Of course, I'll go back. 

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