Tuesday, August 15, 2023

At the cash register at Sprouts, Boulder, CO

 She carefully placed her small number of 
grocery items on the conveyer belt
and waited, an older woman, heavyset
with thick ankles and salt and pepper hair
A young Asian cashier greeted her, as they all do
but she looked away without changing expression.
Did she want a bag?  he asked.
She stared back, with a blank, but unfriendly gaze
I admit that I started to smile a bit inside
at this total lack of communication.
He rang up the groceries
and as I would have predicted, she slowly
removed her worn wallet from her purse 
and counted out the cash, carefully adding 
a penny so as to make the least amount of change.
And, of course, this confused the young man
- we don't do that anymore
He slowly started placing the groceries in a
double bag, when she looked up and said
taking each of her small number of items back
into her cart and shuffled away.

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