Friday, May 10, 2024

writing to my penpal, Mira

I'd never written a postcard from Senegal, 
the streets too dauntingly dusty and crowded,
I'd never seen a post office. 
no one had been worth the effort
until now.
Darling Mira, I went to a city far away
from Dakar, I searched for La Poste, across
from the hotel from which brave men flew across
large distances to deliver the mail.
hallways full of photos and letters sent
and received, letters telling of love and absence,
describing the unimaginable in this land, here,
in Africa, where pirogues still roam through narrow mangrove
on a cool January morning, the eyes of a hippo rise up
above the water, in May, the pelicans fly overhead in 
impossible spirals digesting many pounds of fish.
From this land, I sent this card, to a little four year old
girl named Mira, the one who wears sparkling 
Princess dresses, and dances towards the waves,
they may be the same ones that dance outside
my door.

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