Sunday, July 21, 2024

Looking down on the sun dappled river

I only saw the young people at the edge 
of the river after I posted the photo -
I had been looking at the river flowing 
from high up on the bridge, looking down river
always down river, the direction of flow
alongside sun dappled ripples, verdant green
I was captured by the beauty, and then,
I noticed them, the two young people at the 
bottom of the frame, a young man and woman, 
maybe lovers, and I thought of the future they 
had in front of them, that they were watching
the water at eye level, while I was looking from above
seeing much further than them, and I knew that
the end was closer for me, I could see it, but
their eyes could see no further than the dancing 
waves, the sparkle of the sun in their eyes.

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