Friday, July 5, 2024

Work Series (2): Away from the desk

There is no snow in my cubicle, nor blue skies,
my friend, Sharon, nor the dog, Skye, aren't there.
We are all here on this sunny day, sitting on
a summer pile of snow, taking turns shooting photos,
it's summer in Colorado.
But I am not missing work today on this 
Fourth of July, our Independence Day 
(from what, our times are so fraught),
I can still spend some time in my cubicle on Monday
considering how the cyanate ester panel covered with 
MLI will respond to impact by a one mm Al shot
traveling at 7.5 km/sec, and then can 
garden, guitar, flute, piano, write poetry, see
friends the rest of the week.
One day of science, six of other fun - that 
is my definition of slinking towards retirement.
No rush, no stress, just fun, in my little cubicle,
and out in the big, wide, wonderful world.  

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