Thursday, March 20, 2025

Darkness and Light at Equinox

The beauty of the daffodils and the forsythia alongside the house
stopped me short, to take this photograph. 
Death was the only thing on my mind, my heart heavy,
Tears flowing down my cheeks,  how 
Dare the brilliant yellows intrude upon the dark side of this equinox.
I am in the darkest place with the news this Spring, when 
We should have been rejoicing in sunshine, the light has turned
Away from us, from me, from those I love more than my 
Own small life.
I took out my phone to capture the beauty alongside my small house, 
The yellows are blurry with tears, but insistent to be noticed.
To call me into the light from this dark place.
Today I don't know how, but the daffodils and 
The forsythia will still be there this afternoon, 
Tomorrow, to greet me
Alongside my small house, they do not know
Grief, only beauty.  


Sunday, March 16, 2025



In the rewriting, I can find the downbeat,
Even if in a moment of silence, it's there, a steadiness
When the heel taps on wood floor, and upon rising finds
A flurry of sixteenth notes streaming forth
An energy, so necessary in these times.
In rewriting, the chaotic became manageable, and the 
Music navigable, the beat is within me and 
I can carry this into this dire time, find the downbeat,
Rest a moment, if needed, and reach for the next.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Fight Time

And to those who are asleep, wake up!
To those who believe the horror will happen to someone else,
It will arrive at your door, 
You, the one who was stopped by ICE agent -
Even though you voted for Trump.
Yes, you who is getting advanced immunotherapy compliments of 
The government, it will stop for you, even though you voted for Trump
Regardless of what you do, what you have endured, the horror has
Arrived and will keep flowing through the open cowardly fingers
Of our politicians, now fearful of what they have created,
The fear and violence at their doors.
Wake up, America!


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Resting before the fight

Do not be deceived by the grey muzzle, the closed eyes in the recliner.  
We are ready to fight for our lives,
For their lives, for the children, the disabled and the elderly,
For us, for our Earth.
We may look sleepy in the recliner, but we will rouse ourselves 
From slumber, from the apathy that comes from the expectation of
A government that kept working,  the National Parks that welcomed us, 
The Social Security checks, children in school, nurses caring for us across America.
Having come to expect that everything will continue as it has,
We are awakened by the Orange Monster and the black MAGA hat,
The ones who dispense lies like the Pez we used to gobble in our childhoods.
Just as the sugar was not good for us then, this diet will kill us if we don't wake up.
Rest for today, but rise tomorrow for the fight, I will join you there.  


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Signs of spring

The sheets will smell of sunshine and wind, of Spring
Of snow, yet, and the chill of departing winter mixed with 
The heat of the sun, it's all so divine, Spring.
The grass was never raked, the leaves in sodden layers of rot,
The smell will rise to the sheets, to be mixed with sun and snow,
And warmth, infusing my dreams with the promise of Spring.


Saturday, February 22, 2025

It was terribly dark

 It was terribly dark, the mosquitoes buzzed in my ear
The kitchen sink did not drain and the faucet dribbled cold dank water
This was not the kitchen I was thinking of, this was not the place I was thinking of
This was not the friend I was thinking of, no, not this one
This is not the one that I made up in my mind,
This is not the bedroom that I dreamed of, the buzz of mosquitoes
In my ear as I lay in the dark.  
I left all the lovely gifts in the kitchen, and I walked away
Never to return, never to talk to this man who turned out not to 
Be the man I thought he was, instead a cold man living in 
A terribly dark world, mosquitoes buzzing around his 
Tormented mind.  

Monday, February 3, 2025

Cooking in Dakar

He said that we should cook together
So could I bring the required utensils, pots, pans
And spatulas, mixing spoons and a sharp knife.
I mingled with those who shop discount at GoodWill
Awed by the goods and their prices, at what the more moneyed
Can throw into a box for the less moneyed.
Those spatulas that need to be replaced with a new color,
Or a saute pan, seemingly never used, that seeks a new home.
Why not Dakar,
Where the flame of a propane tank will sear a locally caught fish,
I can't wait to smell the delicious odor of fried fish
Mingling with the fresh breeze off the ocean. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Importance of Darkness

The stars can't reach me 
I curse the streetlights that flood the bedroom
My eyes never sleep
The agitation makes me hot, my feet reach
Towards the cold darkness
On the other side of the bed
I know the stars are shining there
My eyes sleep.


Friday, January 24, 2025

Love letters

I do love her
She loves unicorns.
They are everywhere in her life, temporary tattoos,
A tall stuffed unicorn at Nana's
She straddles it just barely this year.
Next year, she'll stand tall over her and will carry her around
As if a small suitcase, a support object for 
Challenges in life.
We all have them, these challenges, but when a letter arrives
In our mailbox,
They all temporarily fall away as LOVE
Tumbles out of the envelope as soon
As the beloved opens it. 


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Happy birthday to me

 Happy birthday to me, a gift to remember him by, 
The man with the broad smile, the one with not too 
Long to live, that one, handsome at age 47, 
Yes, the one whose fingers weave thin strips of palm into 
Hearts, propelling me into his world of beaches in Nicaragua,  where an old man taught him this magic.
There is magic in his eyes that will soon cloud over as they look heavenward to his God.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Breakfast bar in La Fortuna

Pico gallo and eggs for us,
Banana, oranges and seeds for them 
I'm wondering if I can look them up and add them to
My non-existent bird list, the one that exists only in my mind,
The one that will start when I retire, when I have time
And motivation to go out with Jeff, and learn about 
Yes, the birds at the breakfast bar will seed my bird list,
The one that I will start as soon as I get home. 
I'll tell Jeff all about it and he will show me the way,
Will motivate me to get up early, to open my ears and bring the 
Binoculars to my eyes.  
He will teach me all about birds.  
Thank you in advance, Jeff.


Monday, January 13, 2025

The surprise on the other side

I was surprised by the blue flash, its iridescence on the other
Side of what was already beautiful
Why add more beauty, a different beauty when there was
Already enough of it, with its pattern of brown,
Yellow and grey whirls and swirls, why add an 
Iridescent blue that flashes like an intermittent
Lantern, leading me towards the woods, into an 
Unknown world, one where there may be dangers, 
But also joy, surely surprises, like blue on the 
Other side of what was already beautiful,
Finding time to be astonished. 


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Feeling small

Next to this towering tree, I am so small,
My husband, taller than me, is so small, 
We are so small, the fires in Los Angeles rage over our heads 
We are all so powerless and yet we point our fingers at the other
The other small beings who too often choose small ideas and hurl
Them with their small angry hand, the one not clutching their billions
I reach down and stroke the smooth bark that stretches
Impossibly high into the canopy
The leaves up top are so high, they look down on me
And see how small I am, so distant. 
shimmering endlessly in the sky
Smiling upwards. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

What she left behind

She said, in her own, little sweet way
"I'll be back", to get my toothbrush.  
When she left, she swung her long hair over her shoulder,
But when she comes back her bangs will be short and she will look so much older
I saw that in her face, with the fires blazing behind her in the LA hills,
She had to grow up, leave her cozy little canopy bed and head
To a strange house an hour away.
She no doubt wondered where her pink tooth brush was
The one with the polka dots, the one she left at Mimi and Opa's house
The place she feels loved and safe, and 100%


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Figuring out retirement

I'm wondering how to fill the days that stretch in front of me,
No longer calling for sophisticated analyses, or providing guidance for the young,
The page of life looks empty and unstructured, scary, white, ghostly
So I write
I plot, I ask ChatGPT to make me a life, of things I think I want to do, 
And then, I step aside, and I do my life and fill in the blanks of what I did
There is no correspondence, in fact, no foundational eureka moment of where I 
Will go in this life, only a page of "I thought" next to "I did", but this must
Tell me me something of what I want to do because,
 I did.