Sunday, July 27, 2008

Voicemail vs The Real Thing

he kept calling my voicemail,
I know it wasn’t me he wanted,
because he just chatted away
to Jenny’s voicemail.
I felt ignored, hurt, actually.
In passing he told Jenny’s voicemail
to let Jenny know he called, but then
in a perfectly happy voice, cheerily
end the call by saying it was great to talk
and thanks for being such a good listener.
Finally, I caught his name on the caller
id and hurried to pick up the call
before he’d start his conversation
with my, I said it, my voicemail.
Although surprised, and perhaps somewhat
disappointed as I’m not a very good listener,
he was a good sport about it and we
managed to maintain a conversation
for a few moments, before he ended
by saying it was good talking with you,
and I look forward to talking with Jenny’s
voicemail soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you send me your voicemail's e-mail address?