Wednesday, July 23, 2008

White Horse

White Horse

thousands of years ago
a magical horse appeared before
the people; snowy white, galloping
across burnt umber fields,
dusky purple peaks hanging
in the background.
White horses did appear thousands of years ago, and were captured and bred. Now scientists have found a single gene responsible for this remarkable and beautiful trait.


Unknown said...

Hello, Genevieve!
I was googling for white horse photo and found this post in your blog - with your beatiful poeme and wonderful picture.
Do you know the source of the picture? Or may be it's yours?
I'm really interested to find the author to obtain some kind of rights for it.

Best regards,

Beej said...

Ditto Irina's request.



Genevieve said...

I have looked high and low for where I got this picture and I am coming up short. It is not my photo. I do remember reading about this gene thing and was captivated by it, so perhaps I picked up the picture off a science post. I'll keep looking. Sorry I cannot be of more help. A reminder to post the url I got this from.

Genevieve said...

I found the photo: