Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On Carrying a Notebook

He said something that belonged in a poem.
That moment, in my living room,
with him, was meant to be captured,
wrapped with some accompanying phrases
and published in this blog, to be
remembered by those who were there,
to be shared with those who were not.
Instead, it slipped away in spite
of my making a mental note of it,
of being so sure I would not forget,
it was too unforgettable.
On Carrying a Notebook
warned of this, of forgetting
what may be most

On Carrying a Notebook is one of the essays in the book I recently read, Slouching towards Bethlehem. I liked this essay more than any others, but have yet to follow her advice! Happily, a nice little notebook has just appeared in my life from Turkey, and now all I need is a little pouch for it!

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