Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just another Mellow Day

Just another mellow day on the mesa.
Fred and Martha having lunch with the kids,
the usual bologna and mayonnaise sandwiches,
Little Debbie peanut butter wafers for desert.
Everyone having a great time, Fred’s ogling
Hazel while Martha is cleaning up.
Little Johnny ran off into the bushes to
take a pee and little Mary is reading her book.
Suddenly, Fred was drawn from his reverie about
Priscilla’s curves by a white streak headed their way.
IN an instant, Little Debbie’s wafers and
the left over bologna sandwiches were
vaporized, as were Martha, Fred, Priscilla
and Little Johnny and Mary.
50,000 years later,
just another mellow day picnicking on
the rim of Meteor Mesa in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Tallulah and her life partner, Zephyr
barbeque Tempeh burgers over organic
mesquite coals, while their adopted
children, Garrett Nash and Paris Emilie,
stare transfixed at the screens
of their individual DVD players.
The details change, the story
stays the same.

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