after hearing about two congregations
who would welcome an accomplished
sinner like me: Hell Yeah Church of
Love and Forgiveness, and
Scum of the Earth Church.
I received this glad news from
a distinguished gentleman who
would not provide his name or
address, nor would he accept
my offer of a drink at the bar
where I typically hang out after
work on cold winter nights.
Clearly underdressed as well,
with those weird rope sandals,
he was also oddly enamored of the
Snuggies that were featured in
the latest New York Times
Style Section.
Anyway, we chatted for a bit,
then he gracefully excused himself
saying he had others to attend to.
I wonder who he was.
Photo and article courtesy of http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/01/fashion/01snuggie.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=snuggie%20on%20the%20street&st=cse
Anyone who has seen these Snuggis is sure to get a kick out this article. Special thanks to Mike Durall, http://www.vitalcongregations.com/
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