Monday, March 30, 2009

Not a Mere Cuppa

I watch them roll in,
bleary eyed on a Monday morning,
their coats slightly damp from
weather that cannot decide whether
to call itself rain, or snow.
The usuals, managers, engineers,
technicians from the local
aerospace sweat shop down the
street, amazing how they
can look so down when they
just launched the most
beautiful space telescope
just last week or so.
I’m going to shock them
today, I’ve been working on it
all weekend with my other
barrista buddies, shows who’s
bored, I guess.
I slide the cuppa joe over
and watch their eyes spring
open, their mouths drop.
It was worth it.


Unknown said...

Contemplating a career change?

Cecile said...

Looks so yummy !