Saturday, June 27, 2009

Walking Keys

when they stopped
for coffee and sweetrolls,
the keys got bored and went
for a stroll down the avenue,
hitching a ride with a man pushing
his cart, having lost his cane, and
he looked at the keys in his hands,
not thinking they might belong
to someone stopping for coffee
and sweetrolls and he continued
rolling down the street wondering
what to do with them, it being too hard
to turn his rolling cane around
until he came to the post office
and dropped them off to be mailed
to far off lands,
while beautiful damsels, having drunk
their coffee and finished their sweetrolls
searched their pockets and hand bags,
being in quite a dither as to where
the keys had gone wandering off to,
when the man returning from his
rolling down the hill saw them and
told them to run, run quickly to the
post office before the keys were
flown to a far off office, when all they
needed was to be there at the coffee
shop waiting patiently to unlock the
two bicycles secured to the post
while the two beautiful damsels finished
their coffee and cakes.

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