Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kapton H

Ana and I pick various prompts for our joint poetry writing on Monday nights.  I have been bringing a random selection of books, last time I brought one called The Space Environment.  Ana picked the word "Kapton H" for a prompt. This is a polymeric film used in spacecraft insulation and for protection against micrometeorites.  Her poem was about a super hero called Kapton H, which was quite hilarious.

Mine was more a propos to what Kapton actually is...

not the greatest protection in a time of need
a space condom it is not unless you 
secretly are seeking  a heavenly pregnancy
sparks swirl, a burning heat radiates
in all directions, the skin is flayed,
but there is no one to to ease the pain,
no ice cube packs, no caresses,
it's lonely out here in the dark
we have only the stars to keep us company.

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