Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fraudulent Women?!

You know them, Millie Dresselhaus, president of American Physical Society,
Marie Curie and Linda Buck, Barbara McClintock...
She famously said she had
"a feel for the organism" as she gradually became recognized as the preeminent
cytogeneticist in the world.
I bet she felt like a fraud late at night, or early, sitting at the kitchen table watching
the second hand move past 12 again and again, round and round, while trying to
figure out a problem that seemed to have no solution.
Maybe she wondered if her male colleague would figure it out.
Millie Dressehaus arrived in class at 9 am sharp, fresh from her
red eye special from Washington, DC, her grey bun neatly pinned back,
ready to teach us about Hamiltonians and quantum wave theory,
did she ever wonder
if she was a fraud,
late at night while her kids slept.
yes, the young engineer, the published older woman, the Harvard students,
the ones at the local college all figure they're frauds from time to time,
look, instead, towards Wall Street
for the real fraud.

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