Tuesday, July 31, 2012

the uselessness of poetry

bad grammar and a lack of punctuation
don't help in a college application
it ends up in the circular file along
with the rantings of other deranged poets
those who write incomplete sentences
annoying and incomprehensible
how useless is poetry
much less those who write it
they neither build rocket ships
sell stocks or clean floors
much less teach grammar to inner
city school kids
poetry oh completely useless
your books crowding out stephen king
novels bookmarks stationery
how to books but what a relief
to read poetry with no attempt to
understand such gibberish letting the
words flow across heart
making it beat just a little bit


Theresa B said...

Hi Jenny - I'm still checking in on, and loving your poems! This one especially : ) Theresa

Theresa B said...

Hi Jenny - I'm still checking in on, and loving your poems - especially this one : )