Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Judgement Discernment Observation

judgement bad
discernment good
observation good
observation leads to discernment which may lead to judgement
discernment leads to decisions about what wine to drink on Tuesdays
or whether that blouse is appropriate for dinner out with a new friend
I observe a bird, it's a magpie and one chased my friend into his house
he chased it back out with a broom
I don't like magpies, I judge them to be mean, nasty birds
there is no harmony in them and I do not smile at them
even if they are beautiful
I tell my friends to stay away from them and
I don't like people who wear rose colored glasses all the time
or people who bore me even though they may be very nice
I judge them, which is bad, while discerning that
my time with them will not be happy
I observe what makes me happy
and try to stay away from the

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Haven't been attacked by a magpie lately. But now I'm concerned. Great poem.