Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I won't send an email

I don't send birthday emails to the ex
like he does to me every year from Hawaii
or a boat near god-knows-where, his young wife
in tow, his old wife #2, that's me,  happily ensconced in
Boulder, Colorado, that is, nirvana.
I thought of him this day as I filled out a form
at work, March 20, oh, hey, I know that date
as I do April 24, the birthday of ex #1.
Oh, I'd wish him, #1, a happy birthday if I
happened to see him at the grocery store,
unlikely since his wife does the shopping,
but we do share kids and I see him
on the ellipticals at the health club.
With ex #2, I share nothing,
so I don't send birthday emails,
I move on to March 21. 

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