Friday, March 22, 2013

The Voice of the Whale, Composed by George Crumb

they entered from the left, masked, a flute, cello,
a piano as large as a whale, her open mouth harboring
rows of strings like baleen sieving massive gulps of
water, feeding this mammoth beast as she glides
through the deep blue, blue light, the only light
on stage surrounded by blackness.
the flute sings mixing voice, whistle, tonality,
whale song penetrating deep into the belly,
liquid air whirls around the audience, laminar
streaming into turbulence when the sea gulls
call over the water, calling for her to come
up to breathe, we breathe with her, then sink
deep as the baleen open and close across
the piano, her black dress rippling in the
ocean current.

image courtesy of

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