Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bad Movies Recommended by Friends

how to gracefully diss their taste
hating the movie they loved, a word
to let them know, a note to self to remove
them from "reliable source of good movie suggestions".
mine, "the world is more interesting with diverse opinions",
his, "you're a poet, how could you not love this movie",
me, "so?  I still like plot and character development."
and so on, until it stops and I feel slightly guilty.
ok, I don't trust films in black and white unless
they are Woodie Allen films and even then.
was it a bad movie, or a bad night, was it just
that the movie I wanted to see was sold out
and this theatre was filled with those of us who
didn't want to be here, except we did not know
how badly we didn't until it was too late.

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