Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Buying Elections

$160,000 divided by 9,000 votes so far = $17.78 per vote.
That pays for a drink and a snack at a local bar.
These are the developers, the realtors, the out-of-state companies
sucking the blood out of Boulder to line their pockets.
They spread fear and shout accusations at NIMBY's while
sipping fine wines and whiskeys in their huge homes on huge lots.
The NO's, the ones who want to keep building, building, building
are shouting out in triumph but there was no sweat equity, they simply
bought the marketers and the PR professionals, that's what
rich people do.
Boulder is screwed, just like San Francisco, a shell of what it
used to be with tech hipsters on every corner and rents so
high they want to move to Boulder so they can buy
out this town too.
Sad, yes, sad, that money wins out.

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