Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Abandoned Valentines' Day cookie

Abandoned Valentine’s Day Cookie

He’s sick again, he didn’t want his Valentine’s Day cookie
and so I ate half of it. Everyone in Boulder County is sick,
and we wondered if we could prevent a pandemic of bird flu
if we just washed our hands? As dawn broke this morning, the dogs
started rustling and I knew I couldn’t sleep through it. The only
good news is that Portia doesn’t show me her teeth when I
put on the gentle leaders, like she does to Stephen.
She knows better.
So does Buddy when I call him to put on his gentle leader,
I won’t walk to him, he has to walk to me. They are
trained with me, I have no tolerance, having raised two children
and not wanting anymore. So I walk in the early morning,
our breath forming clouds in the air and we all know he’s sick
again, with the flu this time, and we’ll be spending lots of time
together these next couple of days while Stephen lies in bed
and his half eaten cookie sits on the plate, waiting for me to
finish it.

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