Thursday, February 21, 2008

Skiing Lessons

Skiing Lessons

I cried.
Not wimpy tears that may not be noticed
if you’re wearing sunglasses, but the kind that form a river down your
cheeks accompanied by that embarrassing rasping for breath
where your shoulders shake and you can’t talk anymore.
This was supposed to be fun
and it was,
I fell those last seven times, and
the last of the seven backwards,
onto my head and
stars lit up in my eyes,
the world spun.
I stopped crying
after awhile.
Ate lunch.
Went skiing.
Had fun.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Jenny, This really struck me. Sorry but I had to laugh, it sounded just like my skiing lesson some 30 years ago. You are so brave not only to put it to paper but to be taking lessons.