Friday, February 29, 2008


It is really quite odd when you know something about someone that is quite personal, but they don't have any reason to expect that you would this poem for that twist.


You can’t be blamed for incompetence
they said to each other, but I disagreed.
Why not? …if someone chose to
be incompetent, rather than being
incompetent through no choice of their own.
We discussed this at length, then,
by the coffee pot, which makes such
a terrible brew, ..who drinks this stuff?
We decided that in this case, the manager
who hired the incompetent person was
accountable, and could be blamed,
not the poor sack who showed up for a
job for which he had not a thread of
aptitude or desire. We had never really
spoken before, although I had seen
his divorce papers at the fax machine one day.
A nice fellow really. I hope we’ll
talk again some day by the coffee pot.

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