she has pushed her bike
along the same road,
many thousands of times,
tens of years, her girlish
laughter still echoes in her
ears, now gone deaf with age.
the shuffle of her orthopedic
shoes have replaced the quick
tap of high heels, the swish of
her skirt against bare legs,
now covered in sturdy
long underwear.
not a single boy looks twice
as she pushes by, nor does she
smile flirtatiously as she once did.
she feels no need, it is only wrinkles
which disguise the beautiful woman
she still is.
along the same road,
many thousands of times,
tens of years, her girlish
laughter still echoes in her
ears, now gone deaf with age.
the shuffle of her orthopedic
shoes have replaced the quick
tap of high heels, the swish of
her skirt against bare legs,
now covered in sturdy
long underwear.
not a single boy looks twice
as she pushes by, nor does she
smile flirtatiously as she once did.
she feels no need, it is only wrinkles
which disguise the beautiful woman
she still is.
Photo courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/maggot/72426983/
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