Wednesday, July 8, 2015

In Boulder, I often feel hungry

while strolling the back alleys of Quebec
she confided, "I often feel hungry in Boulder"
and looked at me to see if I understood.
she seemed anxious, and somewhat hungry
so we headed towards a patisserie in the Chinese
part of town and she ate a glutinous rice ball,
it stuck to her teeth and I marveled at the threads
of glutinous white stuff stretching from the ball
to her mouth as she devoured it.
I understood this,
the pleasure of eating, the sating of an appetite.
I didn't understand exactly why she was often
hungry in Boulder, perhaps just a warning
that when she arrived, I should always plan to
carry a treat or two for her as well as for Bella,
a handful of fresh cherries, a bar of dark chocolate
to carry her through until we can find something
more substantial.
I should always carry my wallet.
I can do these things.

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