Saturday, November 13, 2021

Complaining about the spa service

his parents are such hams,
saying that Owen, in his giraffe bathrobe, has some
complaints about the spa service at the Hospital.
they laugh with him and smile to have these
last moments with him;
I have tears running down my face,
and watching terrible Disney movies just
to escape the pain of losing him, 
of giving him back to the universe.
I admire his parents beyond imagine, that they
might hold their son these last three days and laugh,
in knowing how many hours of karaoke they shared,
and books read, songs sung, how many hours
they sat with him, laid him on their bare skin
and listened to him scream when he got his
diaper changes. 
all my love to all three.
that's the message I sent every day. 11/13/2021

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