Monday, November 15, 2021

In grandma's arms

I sang to you, "Owen, ever morning, and every single night,
I think of you, I pray for you." and then..
I told you about Owen's Pond and we talked about
all the animals, one by one
we looked deep into each other's eyes, and I continued..
and the duck came and we sang the same song,
and then the duck came up on the land to see me
and then...
and then the two turtles were on the log and we sang
to you, for you, thinking of you, praying for you,
and then...
the squirrel chatted at me, and we sang our song for you
and then...
the crow flew in from overhead and we sang our song for you
and then...
the big orange koi appeared in the pond and we sang our song for you
and then..
I see your eyelids start to flutter as you fell into a slumber
of trust and love, and I just drunk you in, you beautiful baby
you delicious little darling, I love you so much.  11/15/2021

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