Tuesday, November 16, 2021


there is no deeper sorrow than to lose a child.
each day an apprenticeship in grief, each day
searching for meaning, for solace, seeking
beauty, seeking ritual ...
as I go to Owen's Pond today, finding a 
tiny crevice under a majestic tree, the tree
I have sat underneath for so many weeks,
I start a small collection of beauty, of the earth,
of soil, of decay and renewal, the endurance
of the rock, the beauty of the snowberry, its
white purity, a fallen leaf, the end of
summer and time for rest and decay.
I will find Owen here as he has returned to
the universe; in the quiet here, I will pause
and listen to the birds, look for the ducks 
and the turtles, watch the squirrels, 
just as I had described to Owen.
He will always love the stories and the 
love we shared.
I will always love him.  11/16/2021

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